Advance copies have arrived! - Out September 2024! Pre-order now! The Welcome Cookies by Kaye Baillie and Kirrili Lonergan Mabel loves visiting Miss Plum’s Sugar Plum Café and drawing pictures for the arty-smarty wall. But one day, Mabel finds the café under renovation by someone new. She misses her favourite café, and she misses Miss Plum’s smiles. One day, the café reopens, and Mabel reluctantly visits there with her mother. Will this new place provide Mabel with the same joy she felt in the old place? And how will Mabel accept its differences?
Life Ed Early Years Learning Program- Harold's Healthy Day, Harold's Big Feelings, Super Safe Harold Released Feb 2022 These three Big Books explore health, wellbeing, and safety themes for pre-school children through the day-to-day experiences of you Harold, the giraffe. Healthy Harold is a much-loved Australian icon and has been teaching children in primary schools for over 40 years. This is the first time we see him as a young child at his preschool. These three books have been written for the Life Ed Early Years program and are used in Early Learning Centres across Australia in lessons delivered by their specialist Educators. Learn more about the program here:
'What if...' by Lynn Jenkins and Kirrili Lonergan For Issy, and many more little worriers, ‘what if…’ are two small words that lead to uneasy feelings. But maybe they can be used for something a little more fun… In this colourful adventure, written by well know Australian child psychologist Lynn Jenkins, ‘what ifs’ become springboards for happiness and imagination. Why worry about monsters under the bed when you could wonder what if stars where shaped like elephants or penguins could be pets. Children will delight in this playful exploration of words and their power to change how we feel, turning anxiety into wonder.
'But I'm NOT Hungry for Dinner' by Valerie Gent and Kirrili Lonergan Shortlisted for Speech Pathology of Australia Awards 2022 Billy is a 3 year old boy who finds eating challenging. His parents continually worry about what he eats and how much he eats. They use all sorts of bribery and pressure tactics to make him eat. But their strategies don’t work.
'Tree' by Lynn Jenkins and Kirrili Lonergan The fifth book in the popular ‘Lessons of a LAC’ series, Tree, is a gentle story of loss that helps children to learn how to say goodbye and process grief. Tree is the much-loved centerpiece of the community. But one day Curly and Loppy notice that Tree's leaves are starting to fall — at the wrong time of year — and Tree’s bark is flaking.It’s Tree’s time to leave. Fortunately, Curly is able to teach Loppy how to accept that Tree is leaving, say goodbye, and commemorate Tree’s life.
'Up To Something' by Katrina McKelvey and Kirrili Lonergan One day, Dad invites Billy into his shed to build something, but Billy soon finds out that he is only allowed to watch. As Dad becomes engrossed in his project, Billy takes Dad’s off-cuts and other items from around the yard and starts to copy what his Dad is building. When they reveal their creations, Dad discovers that Billy has more talents than his dad had ever imagined! Up to Something explores the father–son relationship, and the satisfaction to be gained from making things ourselves.
'Grey-Glasses-itis' by Lynn Jenkins & Kirrili Lonergan The fourth instalment in the 'Lessons of a LAC' series Grey-Glasses-itis will give your child a way to think about mood. Specifically, how the way they feel is influenced by how they are viewing things. As always, early intervention is our aim. Educating children early about how thoughts affect feelings is taking great steps forward! For them to tune into their feelings and wonder what glasses they are wearing in order to feel those feelings develops important emotional skills. For example, self-awareness, self-reflection, self-enquiry and it puts them in a position of choice: to change feelings, change the colour glasses they are wearing (i.e., the way they are viewing things/thinking).
'Lessons of a LAC' by Lynn Jenkins & Kirrili Lonergan Lessons of a Lac is a picture book that is really a resource tool! Through the characters, Loppy and Curly, your child will learn a useful ‘way’ to think about their worries – the first crucial step in managing it. Looking out for what can go wrong is all Loppy knows – until he meets Curly Calmster! Curly teaches Loppy that perhaps he doesn’t have to look out for worst-case scenarios all the time and, to Loppy’s surprise, life starts to look a bit different.
'Perfect Petunias' by Lynn Jenkins & Kirrili Lonergan Perfect Petunias is a book especially for those little people who find it hard to make mistakes, designed to ’shape’ perfectionistic tendencies towards being a little more self-accepting and flexible. Loppy LAC is very worried about not doing his homework well enough. He is always focusing on what he hasn’t done rather then what he has, and he becomes very frustrated. So, his friend Curly teaches him about how petunias grow — in lots of different, imperfect directions that we can’t control! Loppy learns that by trying to control whether he makes mistakes or not it’s as if he’s always trying to grow ‘perfect’ petunias. Sometimes he just needs to accept that things go a certain way and to change his definition of ‘perfect’ to mean trying his absolute best. Perfect Petunias is the third book in the ‘Lessons of a LAC’ series.
'Brave' by Lynn Jenkins & Kirrili Lonergan Bravegives your child a strategy to do things they are worried about doing. Imagination is a very natural ‘go to’ for children. It can be a source of terror (as in anxiety), BUT it can also be tapped to help them to feel calm, confident and BRAVE! Braveis consistent with the first book in this series,Lessons of a LAC, Curly teaches Loppy how to manage his worries, specifically, his worries about going to school. The technique of helping children to ‘find their brave’ when faced with a challenging situation can be applied to whatever the difficulty might be. We hope you enjoy empowering your child with the tool of finding their BRAVE!
'Ollie's Treasure' by Lynn Jenkins & Kirrili Lonergan Shortlisted for Speech Pathology of Australia Awards 2018 Ollie’s Treasure is tale of mindfulness for young, developing minds. It’s a story about how simply noticing and taking in what is on offer to our senses can lead to the Holy Grail of treasure — happiness. Ollie’s Treasure takes children on a treasure hunt. Ollie’s grandma sends him a treasure map that promises to lead him to ‘something that will make him happy always’. Of course, Ollie thinks this ‘something’ will be a toy of some sort, but he gets both a rude shock and a big surprise when his treasure turns out to be him! By following his grandmother’s treasure map, he is taken on a journey of his senses, encouraged to notice what he can see, hear, touch, smell and taste. It comes as quite a surprise to him to realise that noticing such things makes him feel happy, and that the key to happiness can be found in his own mind not in material possessions.
'Dandelions' by Katrina McKelvey & Kirrili Lonergan Dandelions beautifully explores the father daughter bond. A little girl notices her father mowing the lawn -- in the process destroying her favorite flowers: the dandelions. She rushes out to stop him, but she's too late, they're all gone. There's nothing for it: she's just going to have to sit outside and wait until they grow back! But fortunately, Dad has another idea.
'School Start' by Lynn Jenkins Illustrations by Simon Goodway & Kirrili Lonergan School Start focuses on the parts of starting school that is often missed: the social and emotional components. This great little book outlines what young children need in terms of their social and emotional development when they are in those early years of school. It also addresses parents and the feelings and reactions that go along with their children being at school. Being an ebook, School Start is very accessible and its conversational style makes it a very easy read.